Since the Christmas season has officially come to an end and we're all getting back into our usual routines, I often find that my skin suffers the most from all the late nights and negligence. When I am having a skin care crisis Lush is automatically my first port of call. Their natural, calming ingredients work wonders for my skin and during the colder months, a good face mask is the best way to hydrate and nourish my skin. As someone who has tried the majority of the Lush's face masks, fresh or not, I can now give you the run down on my three favourite skin care saviours.
Lush Cosmetic Warrior | Link | As a problematic, sensitive skin sufferer I am always after a face mask that can both cleanse and balance my skin. Cupcake is the face mask that everyone recommends when you're looking for a mask to cleanse and prevent breakouts, however I don't particularly like the smell or feel that it has, so therefore I was recommended to try out the Cosmetic Warrior. This face mask has much more of a softer feel than that of Catastrophe Cosmetic, so it glides easier onto the skin when applying. Antibacterial tea tree and fresh garlic cleanse the skin, whilst fresh green grapes clean and cool the skin. After one application, I could see the difference in my skin, it both got rid of any excess oil, whilst adding a glow.
Lush Mask Of Magnaminty | Link | I have been using this since what feels like forever. This multi-purpose mask is great for everywhere on the body, but I most like to use it on my face and back. The peppermint stimulates the skin, whilst marigold oil treats the skin and aduki beans gently exfoliate. Even though, they have recently released a self-preserving version, I would still recommend buying the original version because the outcome is much more effective.
Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic | Link | After several months of not using any of the fresh face masks due to them not lasting particularly long, my skin started to get bad again so I called on Lush to help me out. After having not a lot of sleep over a couple of weeks, I thought it was about time to treat myself. This moisturising and calming face mask is just what I needed. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and chamomile helps to sooth the skin, after several applications in a week, my skin was back to tip top condition.
What are your favourite Lush products?