Thursday, 1 February 2018

5 Things I've Added To My February To-Do List

January was a pretty awful month for me, so I've decided that February is going to be a fresh start. It feels like I haven't done one of these in a while, but that's probably because I replaced January's with a full 2018 goal post. Here is my February to-do list: 

Make The Most Of Valentine's Day | I really embraced Valentine's Day last year and this year, I want to do the same. We're still not sure what we're going to do, but I imagine it'll look something like last year with fairylights, candles and our favourite meal! I may need to take a peak at the Lush's Valentine's collection at some point too as the Unicorn Horn is calling my name (as usual!) and there's a few dress like this New Look Embroidered Mesh Dress and ASOS Casual Mini Tea Dress which I think would make the perfect evening dress for the day. 

Post More Recipes | With Pancake Day coming up on the 13th, it's inevitable that I'm going to eat my body weight in pancakes. And, as I've vowed to share more recipes on my blog, you'll have to watch this space for a delicious pancake recipe of my own. I've been baking lots of treats too, including banana bread which is a new firm favourite in my household. I would like to venture further, including some breakfast ideas and sharing my favourite veggie burger recipes too. 

Meet Up With Friends | I've got a friend date in February for coffee and I'm already so excited for it. As you'll know if you've read my past post about friendships or you follow me on Instagram, one of my goals for this year was to make more effort to make friends and I'm so glad that I have now! 

Pick Up Some Flowers | I'm still on the lookout for some eucalyptus that doesn't cost loads, but in the mean time I've enjoyed having flowers around the house again - Plus they look great in blog photographs too. I think picking up a bunch of flowers every now and again helps to lift my mood and perk me up.  

Embrace The Last Stretch Of Winter | I know I live in England where Spring always seems far away and Summer lasts only a couple of weeks, but I feel like, in preparation for Spring (I class the start of March as a new season), I want to make the most of the rest of Winter. Luckily, I have got a week off during February and although we have nothing planned, it'll be nice to have the time off together. Saying that, I'm so looking forward to starting to plan Spring and Easter content - Ooops! 

What's on your February to-do list?

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