Saturday 1 September 2018

5 Things I've Added To My September To-Do List

September is here! I can't believe how fast this year is going which is what I say every month, but it's not long now until it's officially Autumn. This season I've got lots of my own goals for the next few months, but today I'm just focusing on my to-do list for September. 

At-Home Workouts | It's been far too hot recently to even attempt to do an at-home workout and I've got to say I've really missed it. I've managed to get out on my bike a lot this Summer, mostly four times a week for a few hours at a time, and despite not wanting to give that up in the Autumn (all the mud please!), I want to add an at-home workout to my routine too. I love trialling new YouTube videos or would love to simply pick up my kettlebells again! 

Put Together An Autumn Bucket List | I want to put together a bucket list for the rest of the year featuring the food markets I want to visit around Christmas, the places that I can collect conkers and take photographs amongst fallen, crispy leaves. I've got friends to make plans with, holiday's to go on and lots of other things to look forward to. 

Start Reading Again | I've got to admit that I've been so knackered at the ned of the day when I usually read that I haven't been able to make my way through a book for some time now. I want to get back into reading and when the weather gets colder and the evenings darker, there really isn't a better excuse. I've got a few thrillers that I want to get through next. 

Get My Bake On | GBBO started this week which has inspired me to get my bake on and try out some new recipes. I've got a few one's planned to share on the blog this season including sweet treats and savoury meals too including pumpkin gnocchi and vegan Jammie Dodgers. 

A New Autumn Wardrobe | I'm going to be honest with you due to my recent weight loss, none of my clothes from last year fit me aside from a coat and a jacket. I'm using this as an excuse to start again with my wardrobe and pick out some new pieces that I can bundle myself up to when planning for the colder weather to come towards the end of the  month. I'm looking at lightweight jumpers tucked into midi skirts paired with boots and a statement red coat too. Here are my top picks here: 

What's on your September to-do list? 

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