Saturday, 6 June 2020

5 Favourite Apps To Download Right Now

5 Favourite Iphone Apps To Download
You portably already know the drill, you get recommend any app, download it, maybe use it once and then it remains on your phone until you run out of storage. It can overwhelming when it comes to finding out what helpful app to download next, so I thought I'd share five of my favourites that I think you'd enjoy.
Planta | Even if you only own a handful of houseplants, you need this app. I discovered it through I Covet Thee and haven't looked back. With over 19 plants that need caring for including windowsill herbs and trialling pothos', I can lose track of when and if I've watered them. You tell the app what type of light each room of your home gets and then it asks you how experienced you are with houseplants, so not only does it prompt you let you know when your green friends need watering, it'll also help you determine if a plant is suitable for a certain area or if it's too tricky for you to care for. 

Grateful | I've taken it upon myself recently to practice gratitude and although I've been incorporating it within my daily routine through regular mediating and yoga sessions, I do find having an app is an easy way to keep track and jot your feelings down. This app prompts you with several questions which I personally answer at the end of the day. It'll ask you questions like "what made you laugh today? and "what made today special" in which you can answer your honest thoughts which will still neatly in the app. It's certainly no frills, but it prompts me to practice gratefulness daily and will hopefully be a firm favourite on my phone to come. 

Plann | Although it's not important for everybody, as I sometimes shoot photographs in advance, I like having an area when I can clearly plan my future Instagram feed. It's great if you don't want two photographs next to each other that look similar or if you just like having a more coherent feed. It's super simple as it'll take all the photographs you already have on your feed and then you can upload your future photographs to re-arrange and plan as you see fit. 

P Tracker | Aside from social media, this may be the app I've had on my phone this longest - 2016 to be exact, although I could have sworn I used this one in my late teens too. It's pretty self explanatory as it helps to track your periods, mood and ovulation. For me, it helps me in not forgetting when I'm due as often you can forget just how fast a month comes around, but I like how you can track your symptoms so you can compare if that headache you get 2 days before your period is a one off or a reoccurring one. 

Good Reads | My good friend Hannah recommended this app to me as we're both bookworms and I'd heard a lot of great things. I've tried this one before, but with no luck, but decided to give it another shot as I wanted to keep all the books I've been meaning to read in one area and have the satisfaction of ticking them off when I've read them too. 

What are your favourite apps that you've recently downloaded? 
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