Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Cosy Summer Activities

Cosy Summer Activities
Feeling cosy all year round is a goal of mine, but when it's Summer and the weather is blazing hot and the sunshine is out, it doesn't inspire you to gather your candles and blankets to have an evening in. That being said, I wasn't willing to give up on my comfortable, cosy dreams and I've compiled a list of my favourite Summer activities to calm and feel relaxed doing. 

Summer Baking | The weather is reaching the mid-thirties and the last thing you want to do is stress over whether or not your cake is going to rise, whilst already sweating from heat exhaustion. Baking in the Summer doesn't always have to be about the oven, make a delicious Eton Mess, homemade smoothie ice lollies or even just a simple lemon cheesecake. 

Have A Film Night | When there's a break in the weather, it's feeling stormy and windy, I like to make the most of it by having traditionally cosy evenings in with the fairy lights twinkling, a mug of tea and my favourite TV show or film on. I know during Summer it can be disappointing not to always have the blazing sun, but making the most of the down days definitely helps me (not miss Autumn as much!). 

Create A Fort | I've been utilising my washing line a lot recently and not just by getting the washing dried super quickly, but by making dens outside too. We're lucky that our garden gets the sun directly pretty much from noon until early evening, but that also means that we rely on outdoor shades for a bit of sun relief. It feels cosy when you pair it with a book and picnic. In the evening, you can even take it outside bundling lots of blankets to keep the chill off, lighting a citronella candle and playing some soft music to watch the stars. 

Watch The Sunset | I've been enjoying going for daily walks, but when the weather is super warm, I like to move them to the evening so I can catch the sunset too. As the sky changes colours, you can hear the birds singing and animals coming out which never fails to make me feel happy!

Upgrade Your Shower | I've got to admit I was entirely inspired by Tik Tok after seeing several videos from people on how they have recently upgraded their shower time. I know that I am guilty for jumping in and out of the shower as quick as possible, but then I discovered that you can hang eucalyptus for a refreshing twist as well as using essential oils to scent the bathroom. I take some extra time to scrub my body and using any moisturising oils to keep my body feeling supple. 

What are your favourite cosy activities to do in the Summer? 
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