Monday, 4 January 2021

A Plan For The New Year + 4 Goals For 2021

New Year 2021 Goals

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Just like many others, I was more than happy to see the back of 2020 and after taking a well earned rest over the Christmas period, I'm back feeling refreshed and more motivated than ever. Even though I've shunned the idea of resolutions, I still want to reflect on the past year and share goals for the months ahead. 

Taking up new hobbies 

One of the positives that came out of 2020 was that I took more time for myself and this is a mantra I wanted to take into the New Year with me. I can't tell you how long I've wanted to take up calligraphy and I finally bit the bullet and ordered myself a calligraphy beginners kit the other day. I'm looking forward to wasting hours away on my new hobby, but there's still lots of other things I'd love to take up like candle making (using this candle making kit) and even getting myself a wax seal stamp set so I can act like I'm in a period drama - anybody wanted Bridgerton yet?  

Learn and Let Go

I went into 2020 with many expectations as to what the new year and new decade had to offer and a mere twelve months later, all those expectations had well and truly disappeared. Travelling was off the cards and any social activities I had planned were cancelled; the year didn't go to plan and I initially felt lost. I mourned the time lost with loved ones and potential "what if's" and quickly (to my surprise) learnt how resilient I am to scary changes over the year. 

The year was a rollercoaster to say the least and although I gave myself personal goals throughout the year to keep me motivated, I learnt that it's okay to just make it through. On the positive side, it did allow me the time to sit and work on myself, realise my priorities and reflect on the past. I got to work on my creative side, working on side projects that have grown me as a personal, plus reaching some career goals that I never knew were possible. 

Continue on my fashion journey  

Although last year certainly had it's highs and lows, I think I had an epiphany in regards to my personal style. I had the mentality of "if I'm not going to wear this on my daily walk or the trip to the supermarket, when am I going to wear it?" which made me pluck up the courage to wear whatever outfit I please. My confidence grew and over the course of the year, I developed my sense of style even further. 

I think I've always had a broad range of fashion, some days I will opt for an all black outfit and others I will be head to toe in plaid looking like I've stepped directly off the Hogwarts Express. Jeans are a thing of the past and I've embraced that extra comfort of an elasticated waist band, my wardrobe doesn't have a theme and you certainly wouldn't look at it and think curated, but it's looks more like 'me' everyday and I hope to continue that way of thinking into 2021.

Stay active 

This year made me realise that I quite like staying active, getting outside and breathing in the fresh air. Earlier in March and throughout Summer, I tried to get out in the sunshine as often as I could, never taking a daily walk for granted again. I learnt that I quite like exercise not just for personal results, but because of the way it made my mind feel. I experimented with exercises, taking up yoga at sunset and weights to feel strong, never forcing myself through a workout and always wanting exercise to feel like pleasure rather than a chore. This mentality changed the way I looked at exercising and I'll be sure to carry this idea throughout the next twelve months too.

What are your goals for the new year? 
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